Last week I attended a Digital Storytelling Bootcamp for Museums. I was surrounded by some of my very favorite collegues as we were immersed in storymining techniques and digital media creation. It was like being locked in a toy store for three days…wireless, laptops, digital cameras, audio recorders, scanners, light kits, garageband, audacity and photoshop. But what really made the camp rich, was the focus on creating meaningful online experiences.
With experts like Tim Svenonius from SFMOMA and Joe Lambert from Center for Digital Storytelling leading the way, we were each inspired to develop a story that needed to be told from our museums.
The digitals toys were not the focus. Much care was taken to craft a story that begged to be told now…a story that would capture the imagination of the listener and create a reflective experience. After the storyline was developed and storyboards drafted, the New Media Consortium was on hand to teach us how to develop the rich media to support our storyboards. Finally, each team crafted their digital story using Pachyderm, a content management system for developing rich learning interactives for museums.
This is the way the web is supposed to work. Where brilliant ideas and tools are shared openly and stimulating minds are brought together to learn, create and dream.
I can’t thank NMC, SFMOMA and the Marcus Digital Education Project enough for giving us these resources to develop these stories that need to be told and preserved. Be watching this blog and the Blanton eLounge for digital stories as they emerge.
Need a story right now? Here are a few of my favorites: