Where was I?

My good friend Andrea tapped me with this meme. So, curl up with your favorite cup of cocoa or tea and I tell you where I was…

One year ago I was finding my blog voice. At SXSWi 2005, I saw the power of social computing in action through blogs, flickr, delicious, etc. On 3/17/2005 I made my first post to glendathegood.com and wondered if I had what it takes to really be a blogger.

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Four Things

I’ve just been tagged by the ever so entertaining and accessible Bruce Lawson with the Four Things Meme. Considering Bruce was tagged by the driver of the love bus full of hippies, I find this request impossible to resist. So here goes:

Four jobs I’ve had in my life

  • Grid Girl – lining up cars prior to races and checking the driver’s safety equipment
Categorized as blogs

Safe & Dry

Lucky for Texas and Lousiana, Rita downgraded herself to a Category 3. She still caused plenty of damage and heartache. But Houston faired well. And Austin hasn’t even had rain! Austin is hosting over 17,000 people who were able to evacuate. The tales of people just trying to get out of Houston will make your… Continue reading Safe & Dry

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The Telephone Game

Friends still stuck in Houston, but at least Lindsey is out of the Emergency Room. They’ve been trying to get out of town for over 12 hours now. Text messaging on phones proves to be an effective way to communicate. My text messaging skills are definately improving today. How I wish our mobile phones already… Continue reading The Telephone Game

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