Blogger Research

Help Cameron Marlow at MIT collect data for his dissertation on blogging. Cameron is the creator of Blogdex. His dissertation is focused on :

“understanding the way that weblogs are affecting the way we communicate with each other. Specifically we are interested in issues of demographics, communication behaviors, experience with weblogs and other technology, and the meaning of various types of social links within the blogosphere.”

So, if you’ve got a few minutes…let your voice be heard!

MIT Weblog Survey

Categorized as blogs


Question o’ the day: Should universities provide a free blogspace for their students, faculty and staff? I’ve been asked to ponder this question and write a recommendation for the University of Texas at Austin. My response is, “Of course! Blogs are part of the new web culture…the interactive web…where individual voices can be heard. Blogs… Continue reading Ublog?

Categorized as blogs

Syndicated Vindicated

My first challenge in the blogosphere was to discover why my wordpress rss wasn’t playing well with others. Specifically, I was getting “file not found” in Sage. Solutions: Remove “feed:” from rss links in sidebar.php and footer.php by changing: <a href="feed:<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Entries (RSS)</a> to: <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Entries (RSS)</a> Fix one line of code… Continue reading Syndicated Vindicated

Categorized as blogs