Marauder’s Map

Where are you? That is the question o’ the day. With all of our mobile devices and wireless access…we can now find each other easily (when we want to be found), but interestingly enough, we rarely know where the other person is. And how often are you not quite sure where you are? Wouldn’t it… Continue reading Marauder’s Map

Virtual vs. Reality

So when is reality better than virtual? Always! Always? Can virtual ever be better than reality? Indeed, I think it can be. Here are some things I enjoy better au virtual: The Gutenberg Bible – yes, I’ve stood in front of one of the Gutenberg Bibles. It was under glass and I could see just… Continue reading Virtual vs. Reality

Categorized as technology

Magic Carpet Ride

Have you ever seen a display of technology that took your breath away? In October 2002 at Educause, John Gage of Sun, amazed us all with a live demo of EarthViewer (aka Keyhole). Using satellite imagery, we took a virtual magic carpet ride from the Atlanta Convention Center to Harvard then to Tokyo then Paris. I was speechless.

Categorized as technology

Are you an ebook virgin?

I didn’t believe an ebook could be fun to read. Sitting in front of computers all day…I can attest to the fact that reading large amounts of text from a monitor is not ideal. But, I felt like I should really read an entire novel before making my final decision. Hmmmm…what to read? I browsed… Continue reading Are you an ebook virgin?

Categorized as technology

Power vs. Paper

I’m a booklover. One of my favorite places to be is in a bookstore, surrounded by the smell of books and ideas waiting to be discovered and explored. My passion for books goes back to my childhood, to my mother, who read to me every night and filled my room with books. As I grew,… Continue reading Power vs. Paper

Categorized as technology

iPod > iBod?

I’m embarrassed to say I don’t own an MP3 player. I’ve been able to resist the temptation up until now…but how can a girl scorn the latest convergence! The ability to listen to music while simultaneously keeping up with my personal hygiene is pure genius. Shopping list: PodShaveLady Bluetooth earbuds Victoria’s Secret Aftershave for Ladies… Continue reading iPod > iBod?

Categorized as technology