I’m curious. When designing sites using css layout is there value in setting a bar for browsers you’ll bend over backwards for? Is there ever a point where it is okay to say, “I’ll design for standards complaint browsers, and I’ll even degrade gracefully down to a point…but past that point, I’ll strip the css… Continue reading How Low Do You Go?
Category: web standards
My XHTML 1.0 Strict Resolution

XHTML 1.0 Strict is my new best friend. Designing pages using this doctype is the perfect new year’s resolution to ensure that my site is slim and trim.
So, we could get into the argument about whether HTML 4.01 Strict is better than XHTML 1.0 Transitional, but personally I think that argument is not worth having until you can tell me why you are not adopting the W3C standard of XHTML 1.0 Strict.
Here are the reasons I’m choosing XHTML 1.0 Strict:
No Place Like Home: UT Home Page Modernized

I have a dream…that the UT Home Page will be modernized. It has been over 3 years since our last major redesign, and while the information design, branding and content are still on the mark, there is plenty of room for technical improvements. (Lord, isn’t that always true?)
Now my dream is coming true! So, for your preview pleasure,
AIR High – Accessibility in High School

Ahhhhh….High School. So many life lessons learned. So many memories forever tattooed in your psyche. What a great moment in time to be immersed in the web and accessibility. What? Teach web accessibility to high school teachers and students? Yep, that is exactly what we are doin’ right here in Texas.
Are You Certifiably Accessible?

I was just catching up on my blog reading and Ian’s interview with Andy Clarke on Accessify got me to thinking about “web accessibility snake oil salesmen”. As more and more people wake up to the concept of accessible web sites, is there a need for official accessibility certification?
Designing for the Mobile Web

I have high hopes that the browser wars on the desktop will soon be over (yes, I’m an optimist). The power of web standards is becoming so clear it is impossible to resist. Whew, now we can all focus on quality design based on web standards and be more productive. Right?
Castle drawbridge creaks open to reveal thousands of different mobile devices each running a different mobile browser.
Show & Tell: Tantek on Semantics
Every month my team gathers for “Show & Tell”. One lucky victim volunteer leads a discussion on a cool project or discovery they have made in our field of web design and development. This month I asked if I could take the team on a virtual fieldtrip to Australia to hear Tantek Çelik’s presentation on The Elements of Meaningful XHTML from Web Essentials ’05.
Virtual SXSW-2005: Accessibility Panel

Take a step back in time to Sunday, March 13, 2005. You are in Austin, Texas attending SXSW – Interactive. You’re still feeling the effects of partying into the wee hours of the morning, but you’ve dragged yourself over to the convention center to see