I’m at a crossroads in my life. It is ever so important that I stop, step back and remember who I am. When life throws me curve balls, I have the opportunity to be at my best. What is my best? Honestly, it is one part goodwitch with a pinch of all the beautiful souls who have ever touched my life.
Do you know me? Have you made me smile? Have you held my hand when I am troubled? Have you shown me how to be strong in the face of adversity? Have you shared a joyful moment with me?
This week, I’ve drawn strength from my dearest friends. I’ve reached out to you all this week physically, virtually or mentally. I feel your love, support and strength.
And while my anthem is (and always will be) “Defying Gravity”, I’ve added the encore anthem of “Hands” by Jewel. My mantra this week is “In the end, only kindness matters.” Because when time gets small…and life begins to slip away…it is love and kindness that truly matter. Did I love you with all my heart? Was I kind and thoughtful? Was I generous? Did I make the best of the moments we had?
So, in this moment, where I stand at a crossroad, I wanted to share this thought with you. It is a paraphrased version of a familiar poem:
Serenity Path
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting challenges as the pathway to peace.
If you want to read the original version, just google “full serenity prayer”.