
Inspirability by Pash

You’ve got to touch this book! And once you touch it, you won’t be able to put it down. Be prepared to be seduced by the velvety green cover and then transformed by the minds of 40 top designers and what inspires.

A few of the “aha” moments I’ve experienced so far:

I never knew an “S” could be so beautiful. Doyald Young’s logotype for Sea Smoke is breathtaking

As designers, we’re really professional sponges. We’re constantly saoking up everything around us, absorbing information and inspiration in no coordinated, discernable order. And then when we get a particularly challenging assignment, we squeeze the sponge and out comes a new and interesting solution – an odd combination of different colors and flavors and textures that we’ve absorbed. It’s our aesthetic sense and talent and experience that helps us properly stir the ingredients together. But it’s our attitude to be open to the possibility help us us make a successful mixture. – Bruce Turkel

Inspiration really comes from some level of analysis, and definitely an intuitive understanding. It doesn’t necessarily come from what something looks like. It has to do with the meaning behind the image. – Deborah Sussman

Practice Safe Design – Use a Concept. – Petrula Vrontikis

Huge thanks to Megan for exposing me to “Inspirability”.

I dare you to read this book and not be inspired!


  1. Okay, I finished reading the book last night and couldn’t resist a few more quotes. Mostly putting these here so I can be reinspired by them after I give the book back to Megan.

    The urge for good design is the same as the urge to go on living. The assumption that somewhere, hidden, is a better way of doing things. – Harry

    Vision – where one’s deepest joy intersects with one’s best hope and action for society. – Terry Marks

    Damn it. Now I have no excuse. I have to go hand this book back to Megan. (pout pout)

  2. I think inspiration is also influenced by someone’s current state of mind. For example: on days when the weather is gorgeous, this could make someone feel more relaxed and willing to look at nature as a source of influence…but at other times, it could be something man-made, a structure or a collection of objects.

  3. so true matt! what i liked most about this book was seeing how many different ways people find inspiration. and then challenging myself to consider new paths to my own creative space.

    best personal lesson for me was when i learned to open up to the energy all around me…to consider myself a conduit for that energy. it isn’t about me. when i’m in that state…i find my mind leaps to a higher level.

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