Macromedia, Blogging & CMS

“This CMS is too hard.”
“This CMS is too soft.”
“Ahhhh, this CMS is just right!”

Blog tools are CMS lite. And in some cases, just right! Macromedia is paying close attention to the blog world by listening to what we like, don’t like and crave in our blog tools.

Want to tell Macromedia what features you care about when authoring blog content? Take a few minutes and complete their Blog Authoring Survey.


  1. I completed the survey a couple of days ago. Although I’m a big Macromedia fan, I’m not sure how I’d feel if they released a blogging platform!

    Since getting into blogging, I’ve grown very fond/protective of WordPress. How would you feel if one of the big corporates started muscling in on blogging?

  2. Gerard, interesting thought. Well…I wouldn’t mind if the big corporates started offering blog software. I would still likely choose open source because I think it has the best chance of being agile and ahead of the curve. And perhaps if the “big boys” start offering blog software, it is a banner day for blogging…recognition that this is an amazingly important part of the next generation of the web.

    I think Macromedia is recognizing that their CMS offerings (Contribute) are in competition with open source blog software…and that they have a TON to learn from blogging. (okay…so Contribute isn’t a full fledge CMS…but it has some proposed features that have me drooling).

    I also know that the product manager for Contribute is a blogger (and so are many of the folks on his team). I love this. I think it helps them to be even better developers (and I already thought they were way cool).

    Gee…is my crush on Macromedia obvious?

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