How Low Do You Go?

I’m curious. When designing sites using css layout is there value in setting a bar for browsers you’ll bend over backwards for? Is there ever a point where it is okay to say, “I’ll design for standards complaint browsers, and I’ll even degrade gracefully down to a point…but past that point, I’ll strip the css… Continue reading How Low Do You Go?


Last night I arrived home to the usual chaos and mayhem. A single sheet of paper quietly sat on my counter. My eyes skimmed the paper and caught on these words:

U.S. Department of Defense
News Release

Categorized as grief

Four Things

I’ve just been tagged by the ever so entertaining and accessible Bruce Lawson with the Four Things Meme. Considering Bruce was tagged by the driver of the love bus full of hippies, I find this request impossible to resist. So here goes:

Four jobs I’ve had in my life

  • Grid Girl – lining up cars prior to races and checking the driver’s safety equipment
Categorized as blogs

Shoo Fly – There is a bug in my PIE

Imagine my surprise, when I pointed my PDA browser (Pocket Internet Explorer aka PIE, Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows CE; PPC; 240×320)) to and my browser crashed! Ouch. There seems to be a bug in my PIE!

I couldn’t resist lifting up the hood to see if I could identify the culprit.

My XHTML 1.0 Strict Resolution

XHTML 1.0 Strict is my new best friend. Designing pages using this doctype is the perfect new year’s resolution to ensure that my site is slim and trim.

So, we could get into the argument about whether HTML 4.01 Strict is better than XHTML 1.0 Transitional, but personally I think that argument is not worth having until you can tell me why you are not adopting the W3C standard of XHTML 1.0 Strict.

Here are the reasons I’m choosing XHTML 1.0 Strict:

Number 1 Never Looked So Beautiful

As Mack Brown says, “Now we are just living the dream.”

Thank you Vince. Thank you Horns. Vince, you are the football legend of the century.

Longhorns 41
Trojans 38

Categorized as inspire

No Place Like Home: UT Home Page Modernized

I have a dream…that the UT Home Page will be modernized. It has been over 3 years since our last major redesign, and while the information design, branding and content are still on the mark, there is plenty of room for technical improvements. (Lord, isn’t that always true?)

Now my dream is coming true! So, for your preview pleasure,

AIR High – Accessibility in High School

Ahhhhh….High School. So many life lessons learned. So many memories forever tattooed in your psyche. What a great moment in time to be immersed in the web and accessibility. What? Teach web accessibility to high school teachers and students? Yep, that is exactly what we are doin’ right here in Texas.