We few, We happy few

Confession time. In 1989, I went to the movies with my sweetheart to see “Henry V“. I thought the movie would be a reinterpretation of Shakespeare’s play, so I was quite surprised as the dialogue began in iambic pentameter. For the first 10 minutes of the movie, my brain was overworked as I adjusted to old English and the beat of the Bard.

Categorized as inspire

Imperfectly Beautiful

I was struck by a quote today, and couldn’t resist sharing it with you: Avoid being a perfectionist. In the Malaysian culture, only the gods are considered capable of producing anything perfect. Whenever something is made, a flaw is left on purpose so the gods will not be offended. Yes, some things need to be… Continue reading Imperfectly Beautiful

Categorized as inspire

No Boys Allowed

The feature story on my university’s home page today is:

No Boys Allowed: Friendships among high school girls can promote academic success

Hard to resist reading further! My initial reaction “No Boys? No Way!” But being quite fond of listening to different points of view, I tossed aside my initial reaction and began reading the article with a critical eye.

Categorized as technology

To Have & To Hold: Siemens SX66

My love affair with the Siemens SX66 is now on day 18. While it still thrills me to have this sleek and powerful device in my possession, because it is just on loan to me, I can be objective about it. The key question, will I buy a Siemens SX66 for myself when (and if) I have to give it back? Considering that the price tag is currently hovering at $499.99, I’m certainly looking at the device with a critical eye. (No honey, hiding my credit card won’t help one bit.)

So, it is time to do a plus/delta on the SX66.

Living Inside a Movie

Is it just me? Or do you feel like you are living inside a movie as you wander through your day with your MP3’s overflowing in your ears? Does the music color your vision? I find that my life looks different depending on what track I choose. The music sets the tone for the scene… Continue reading Living Inside a Movie