Mobile Witch

‘Bout time I created a mobile theme for this site. Notice the new Themes category in the Navigation. You have two juicy themes to choose from: Emerald City or Mobile Witch.

Must admit, it was fun. Design focus was for PDA viewing. I haven’t conquered making it friendly for my ancient mobile phone (Sony Ericsson T616) yet. That will have to be a project for another day (yawn).


UT tower lit with an L

Do you still believe in miracles? I do. I’ve just witnessed two marvels of determination, teamwork and faith. One was on international television, the other took place in a private hospital room.

Categorized as inspire

Hot & Hungry

Summer is smokin’ hot in Texas. We have our rituals for keeping cool that usually involve water, frozen margaritas and air conditioning. But most days when I’m driving home, I see people standing on the corner, in the blazing heat, asking for some help in hard times.

Categorized as inspire

Macromedia, Blogging & CMS

“This CMS is too hard.”
“This CMS is too soft.”
“Ahhhh, this CMS is just right!”

Blog tools are CMS lite. And in some cases, just right! Macromedia is paying close attention to the blog world by listening to what we like, don’t like and crave in our blog tools.

Categorized as blogs

Peace & Healing

Today, I’m reminded of the choice between grief and despair. How do I respond to the tragedy in London? What can I do? Does it make a difference?

Half a world away, innocent lives were lost today. All of humanity is affected by this loss. Grief is interconnected. When you grieve, you are one with all who have ever mourned. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who are touched by this nightmare.

Categorized as inspire