CMS & Validity

What CMS tools are still generating invalid code? As a webmaster sitting on top of a recently purchased CMS (Stellent), I’m empowered to dive into the belly of the beast and make the code valid. Isn’t that the whole point of a CMS? To give us modular handles to keep our code neat and tidy.… Continue reading CMS & Validity

Life Isn’t Fair & Anything is Possible

One of the best lessons I ever learned was “Life Isn’t Fair”. I was raised with the warped idea that you should always get what you deserve. While this concept may work with computers (they are so damned literal), I know not to take fair for granite.

Categorized as inspire

Is bigger better?

There is a new choice in mobile computing for the museum market. Adocere has developed a mid-size mobile device called the Weblet. It is a delicious cross between a tablet and a PDA. The 8.5″ screen certainly had my designer drooling. My response?

Color Alone

Are you using color alone to convey information? I was. I prefer my links with text-decoration: none. So, how can you tell if something is a link? By color alone! Uh oh. Yes, I just changed the css on this blog to include border-bottom: 1px dotted gray for links.


authentic pair of Jon Hick's socks

The magic sox,
the magic sox,
I now have
the magic sox!

Now the test will be,
Do these sox
feel right on me?

Are they sox
to be framed?
or shared with all
who played this game?

Categorized as blogs

Blogger Research

Help Cameron Marlow at MIT collect data for his dissertation on blogging. Cameron is the creator of Blogdex. His dissertation is focused on :

“understanding the way that weblogs are affecting the way we communicate with each other. Specifically we are interested in issues of demographics, communication behaviors, experience with weblogs and other technology, and the meaning of various types of social links within the blogosphere.”

So, if you’ve got a few minutes…let your voice be heard!

MIT Weblog Survey

Categorized as blogs


What will the university experience be like in the year 2020? How might technology change learning, teaching and research? Will we have electronic mentors and custom fit courses? Will backpacks become a thing of the past as we turn to e-books and digitial ink? Will virtual classes replace physical classrooms?

To be effective, universities must research these questions right now (no, make that yesterday)! Put the latest technology in the hands of talented students, faculty and staff and challenge them to see how then can not only enhance the university experience, but transform it.

Gender Blind

I’ve been thinking a lot about sex gender. While I’ve never encountered any glass ceilings because I’m a girl…the recent discussions about “where are the women of the web” got me to thinking. What are the statistics for women in the high tech field?

Categorized as technology