Knowbility Accessibility Conference: John Slatin AccessU May 10-12 2010

AccessU is Knowbility’s annual institute that provides two days of classes in how to make electronic information technology accessible to everyone – including people with disabilities. If you believe that the web should empower ALL people, if you need information about how to meet state and federal accessibility mandates, if you are a commercial web developer who wants to understand emerging best business practices for the web, AccessU is the place to be in May.

Join world renowned accessibility experts for two days of classes, many of them hands-on, to help you improve your skills and understand the both the need and the techniques for inclusive IT design. From the basics to the bleeding edge, AccessU will provide the resources you need.

Blue Beanie Day 2009: Support Web Standards

my teddy bear wearing a blue beanie

Do you remember when you first became a web standards believer? (or do you want to know why web standards are important?) Whether it was last week, last year or last decade, it forever changes the way you create for the web. But, when was the last time you helped someone else understand the value of web standards? Until web standards have completely permeated our industry, it is important for us to continue to spread the word while producing content that illustrates the point.

If you haven’t heard, Monday, November 30th is “Blue Beanie Day”. What in the world is “Blue Beanie Day”?

Strength Courage Hope

On Sunday, October 18, 2009, I was drawn to the site of the WTC. My hotel was just a few blocks away and I felt it was important to visit the site and honor all the people who died that tragic day.

It was a somber experience. The site was so much larger than I had imagined. I felt grief, loss and emptiness. I’m not sure what I was searching for, but I just knew I hadn’t found it yet…so I kept walking…one more block….one more block.

And then I came to St. Paul’s Chapel and I knew I had found what my heart and soul were seeking. As I walked through the gate, I experienced the feeling of quiet strength, courage and hope in the midst of the greatest loss.

EIR Accessibility Exception Requests

With many Texas State agencies developing their information technology accessibility compliance plans, there is a need for accessibility exception requests (based on TAC 213.37 and TAC 217.37. While you could consider this a big fat loop hole that allows agencies to say…”We need an accessibility exception.” I see it as an opportunity. Every exception form… Continue reading EIR Accessibility Exception Requests

Open Web Education Alliance: Educating the Next Generation

What SXSWi 2010 panel am I dreaming about? Without a doubt, it is:

Open Web Education Alliance: Educating the Next Generation

In the world of web standards, industry forms best practices, education instructs emerging talent—and neither the twain shall meet. A decade on, the rate of standards adoption across the school/street divide is dishearteningly poor. Join us to discover how curriculum building and strategic industry alliance can close the gap.

Donate to Accessibility via Derek Featherstone’s IronMan Challenge for Knowbility

You can help make the web a more accessible place by donating to Derek Featherstone’s IronMan Challenge.

Derek is competing in the upcoming IronMan Challenge in Lake Placid, New York on July 23. His goal is to raise $25,000 for Knowbility, an outstanding accessibility non-profit. If he meets that goal, Knowbility is eligible for additional matching funds from Janus!

It’s a great opportunity to support the wonderful Knowbility accessibility programs and to recognize Derek’s amazing effort! Please take a moment to pledge. If we all chip in, we can help Derek reach his goal while helping to sustain programs that ensure that everyone – including people with disabilities – can access the technology opportunities that have changed our world.

Don’t Discriminate! Make IT Accessible!

One of the most common questions I hear these days is, “Does 508 specifically apply to State of Texas Agencies and their Electronic and Information Resources?” If you understand that the Texas State Accessibility Standard and the 508 Standard are almost exact copies of each other, then the answer is a resounding YES! According to… Continue reading Don’t Discriminate! Make IT Accessible!