Today, I’m reminded of the choice between grief and despair. How do I respond to the tragedy in London? What can I do? Does it make a difference?
Half a world away, innocent lives were lost today. All of humanity is affected by this loss. Grief is interconnected. When you grieve, you are one with all who have ever mourned. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who are touched by this nightmare.
I’m far removed from today’s events, but it does bring back haunting memories. Elie Wiesel warns me not to let my sorrow turn to despair. And that indifference is the worst sin of all.
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. – Elie Wiesel
I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. – Elie Wiesel
While I wish this had never happened, I have no doubt that the British have the resolve to overcome this tragedy. But for me, I need to remember to turn my energy towards peace and healing.
Hi Glenda,
Please visit (if you want to):
One of my friends on, David Petherick, set up this site quickly on Thursday for (quote) …â€sympathy, contact and condolences following the terrible London bombing tragedy which took place on the 7th of July 2005.â€
Feel free to promote this non-commercial site if you want to.
The site is currently linked to a Yahoo Group and features a wide range of comments from countries around the world. It also includes some useful links. David (Petherick) is working hard at improving the site and is doing all he can do while being based in Edinburgh.
Footnote: If the bombings occurred next week, on the same day of the week, at the same time of day, then I would have been on one of the trains involved in the blasts!
So I think I was a bit lucky this time. Deepest respects to those who weren’t so fortunate and their families.
My further opinions have been expressed on the site, and here on Kevin Leitch’s excellent site, see:
Life is so fragile. And incidents like these help me remember to be grateful for all that I have.
I’m glad you are safe.