My love affair with the Siemens SX66 is now on day 18. (Read about our first moments together). While it still thrills me to have this sleek and powerful device in my possession, because it is just on loan to me, I can be objective about it. The key question, will I buy a Siemens SX66 for myself when (and if) I have to give it back? Considering that the price tag is currently hovering at $499.99, I’m certainly looking at the device with a critical eye. (No honey, hiding my credit card won’t help one bit.)
So, it is time to do a plus/delta on the SX66.
Assumption: The Siemens SX66 would function as both my pda and mobile phone.
Plus – what are the advantages of buying the Siemens SX66?
- One source for all my contact information. I have hundreds of contacts on my Dell Axim X50v (pda), and I also keep my closest friends/co-workers in my Sony Ericsson T616 (mobile phone). I really HATE having two data sources. The Siemens SX66 would forever solve this data duplication.
- Fewer battery operated devices in my wallet. I prefer to carry an itty bitty little purse. It is a challenge to fit my phone, PDA, iPOD and SanDisk MobileMate in my Brighton mini-purse. Being able to combine my phone & pda will give me some breathing room and reduce the weight by 3 ounces. Sony Ericsson T616 = 3 oz. Dell Axim x50v = 6 oz. Siemens SX66 = 7 oz.
- Thumboard (sigh) – who knew I would be so enamored with a teeny tiny keyboard. All I can say is who ever designed this thumboard really cared about usability. I love how the keyboard slides out for use, but tucks away when not needed. The keypad is easy to maneuver and the raised dots on each key let me know where I am. The backlighting makes it super simple to use in low light.
Why is a Thumboard so important to me? Well, until accurate voice recognition software is available, I find a keyboard to be my fastest method of input. I know I could carry a mobile keyboard (like the yummy Targus Universal Wireless Keyboard, but even that is a bit too bulky for my taste. The thumboard is the prefect compromise for my mobile input needs. As Goldilocks would say, “Ahhhh, this one is just right.”
- Skype – The ability to put the Siemens SX66 into wifi mode and make a Skype call for free! I was thrilled to discover that I could install Skype on this device. But I was skeptical about the quality. Could this little half-breed really have enough processor speed, wifi strength, battery life and sound quality to support a Skype call??? And the answer is….YES! In fact, this phone saved me the other day when my laptop Skype was misbehavin’. I whipped out the SX66, established an 802.11 connection, logged onto Skype and talked for over an hour to a friend in the UK. Didn’t use a single second of mobile minutes. Isn’t that just dreamy?
Delta – what features do I still think need improvement.
- Fragile Sync/Power Port – I’ve had tons of professional and personal experience working with mobile devices. From putting on an event with 200 iPAQs, to coordinating a fleet of 30 Dell Axim X30s for a handheld museum guide. Under my desk, you’ll find a happy little gathering of iPAQs, Dells and Toshibas of all different varieties. (In fact, I think they are breeding down there). This exposure has taught me a very important lesson. Sync/Power Ports that require locking sync cables are fragile! By locking sync cable, I mean, you have to press two buttons on the sides of the cable before removing it.
With every day use, I’ve consistently found that locking cables wear out the sync port to the point that you can no longer establish the connection! Egads! How will I easily keep the device charged? My personal solution, I’ll buy a second sync cradle to keep on my kitchen counter for the nightly battery feeding. The sync cradle does not have a locking connection, and is therefore much gentler on the sync/power port.
- Battery Life – I’m a bit worried about the battery life of this device. I’m prone to exploring the edges of mobile computing. My wifi and rich media habits chew battery like crazy. Running low on power would be a triple-whammy for me…depriving me of my mobile phone, wifi connection and my onboard data. Guess I could carry a spare battery or think about getting a backpack that generates electricity.
So, back to the key question. Will I buy a Siemens SX66 for myself? That remains to be seen. I certainly don’t need it. Do I think it would be the most perfect Christmas present? Well…I would certainly feel like a pampered princess if Santa slipped this delightful device in to my stocking.