Take a step back in time to 10am Sunday, March 13, 2005. You are in Austin, Texas attending SXSW – Interactive. You’re still feeling the effects of partying into the wee hours of the morning, but you’ve dragged yourself over to the convention center to see what James Craig, Derek Featherstone, Ian Lloyd and Glenda Sims have to say about Accessibility: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?.
So curl up, turn the volume up and browse to our Transcript Plus…and listen to the MP3 of our session. Read the transcript. And enjoy the well crafted design (thanks James).
And don’t forget to register for SXSW-2006. I’ve got a few new places I’m dyin’ to show ya!
many thanks for your hard work…as my budget didn’t stretch for a flight to sxsw, this gave me a chance to finally catch up on the gossip.
okay…no excuses this year…start savin’ your pennies…and get yourself down to Austin. I’ve got lots of sleepin’ space if you need a free pillow and don’t mind bunkbeds!