Confession time. In 1989, I went to the movies with my sweetheart to see “Henry V“. I thought the movie would be a reinterpretation of Shakespeare’s play, so I was quite surprised as the dialogue began in iambic pentameter. For the first 10 minutes of the movie, my brain was overworked as I adjusted to old English and the beat of the Bard.
During this film, I fell forever in love with Shakespeare. Oh sure, I had read Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet and Julius Ceasar (just to name a few). But I’d never been swept away by the words. I didn’t know that Shakespeare was meant to be heard, not read. (okay, so maybe the charming Kenneth Branagh had a little influence too.)
For me, the defining moment in the film is Henry V’s Saint Crispin’s Day Speech just before the battle of Agincourt. To this day, these words give me courage that we few, we happy few, can accomplish the greatest of all feats.
Today, I encourage you to pause and consider honoring Saint Crispin’s Day (October 25th) by celebrating lives well lived, beliefs held dear and shoes well made.
(Special thanks to my friend, Madog Cochfarf, for keeping’ the spirit of Saint Crispin’s Day alive!)