Oooooooo! Do you love books? A friend shared a new toy with me called LibraryThing. It is a place for you to catalogue the books you’ve read, tag them and rate them. But LibraryThing doesn’t stop there…it is oh so very Web 2.0 when it connects you to other people through recommendations, groups and friends.
And just when I thought it couldn’t possible be any better, I found LibraryThing Mobile. You can check your bookshelf quickly and easily from your mobile phone while you are standing in the bookstore trying to remember which books you’ve read by a prolific author.
Catch me quick, I’m about to faint. I heart LibraryThing. Thanks Ladd for sharing!
Oooh crikey, I don’t think I could cope with yet another social app! What I need is an app the combines all my profiles and buddies into one so that I don’t have to keep re-entering eveything!
Good point Jon…kinda like the easy at which Riffs imports your music from your iTunes library or Delicious and Magnolia allow you to export your content as XML and import it. I do soooooo love a web2.0 app that gives me the freedom to export and import my data.
Just what I needed!! I too cross my fingers for a magic all-in-one social software combo, but this is a great tool to organize my literary inclinations. Great find!!
I have a code for one free download from audible.com which has some decent books. Let me know if you guys want it.